Installing |orgasm| =================== Availability of |orgasm| ........................ |Orgasm| is open source and protected by the CeCILL 2.1 license (` `_). |Orgasm| is deposited on the Python Package Index (PyPI : ``_) and all the sources can be downloaded from the ` `_ gitlab server (``_). Prerequisites ............. To install the |orgasm|, you need that these softwares are installed on your system: * Python 3.7 (installed by default on most recent ``Unix`` systems, available from `the Python website `_) * ``gcc`` (installed by default on most ``Unix`` systems, available from the GNU sites dedicated to `GCC `_ and `GMake `_) On a linux system ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You have to take care that the Python development packages are installed. On MacOSX ^^^^^^^^^ The C compiler and all the other compilation tools are included in the `XCode `_ application not installed by default. Python3 is not installed by default. You have to install a complete distribution of Python that you can download as a `MacOSX package from the Python website `_. Developer command line tools can also be installed using the following command line in a UNIX terminal .. code-block:: bash xcode-select --install From the Mojaves version of MacOSX the C header have to be installed using the following commands .. code-block:: bash open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg Downloading and installing |orgasm| ................................... The |orgasm| is downloaded and installed using the :download:` <../../../get_orgasm/>` script. This is a user level installation that does not need administrator privilege. Once downloaded, move the file :download:` <../../../get_orgasm/>` in the directory where you want to install the |orgasm|. From a Unix terminal you must now run the command : .. code-block:: bash python3 The script will create a new directory at the place you are running it in which all the |orgasm| will be installed. No system privilege are required, and you system will not be altered in any way by the obitools installation. The newly created directory is named ORG.asm-VERSION where version is substituted by the latest version number available. Inside the newly created directory all the |orgasm| is installed. Close to this directory there is a shell script named ``orgasm``. Running this script activate the |orgasm| by reconfiguring your Unix environment. .. code-block:: bash ./orgasm Once activated you can desactivate |orgasm| by typing the command ``exit``. .. code-block:: bash exit ORG.asm are no more activated, Bye... ===================================== System level installation ......................... To install the |orgasm| at the system level you can follow two options : - copy the |orgasm| script in a usual directory for installing program like ``/usr/local/bin`` but never move the ``ORG.asm`` directory itself after the installation by the :download:` <../../../get_orgasm/>`. - The other solution is to add the ``export/bin`` directory located in the ``ORG.asm`` directory to the ``PATH`` environment variable. Retrieving the sources of |orgasm| .................................. If you want to compile by yourself the |orgasm|, you will need to install the same prerequisite: .. code-block:: bash > pip3 install -U pip > pip3 install -U sphinx > pip3 install -U cython moreover you need to install any git client (a list of clients is available from `GIT website `_) Then you can download the .. code-block:: bash > git clone This command will create a new directory called ``org-asm``. Compiling and installing |orgasm| ................................. From the directory where you retrieved the sources, execute the following commands: .. code-block:: bash > cd org-asm > python3 --serenity install Once installed, you can test your installation by running the commands of the :doc:`tutorials <./mitochondrion>`.